How to Immediately Reduce Smart Phone RF Exposure

Sgt. Poopers provides free advice on how to immediately reduce your exposure
to dangerous levels of radio frequency (RF) radiation from cell phones.
Every minute you spend inside, outside, driving, shopping, or enjoying an event you are being bombarded by RF radiation not only from your own smart phone but from everyone else nearby. You can't stop the couple at the next table from using their phones, but you can immediately stop your own smart phone from irradiating you 24 hours a day. Just make some simple changes:
1. KEEP YOUR PHONE AT A SAFE DISTANCE: Don't carry your phone next to your body while it is actively transmitting. Do not carry a transmitting smart phone in your pocket, bra, or anywhere near your brain or reproductive organs unless you want to risk getting a smart-phone shaped tumor. Hold it at a distance when making calls with a selfie stick.
2. USE AIRPLANE MODE OR TURN OFF DATA, BLUETOOTH AND WI-FI: At night, set on "airplane mode" to stop it from broadcasting all radiation, however this will also block incoming calls and texts. An alternate which works really well is to simply turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Data (see photos). You can still be reached, but the background radiation from data services is stopped.
This simple fix turns your smart phone into a flip phone which is not constantly broadcasting to and from cell towers, checking for updates, and uploading information. Your phone will still be able to make and receive phone calls. Some text messages (not all) will come through with Data turned off. (You should verify this yourself.) You do not need to turn on Data to make a phone call but you may have to turn on Data to send a text.
Most system versions have some sort of mini control panel (photo from an iPhone) enabling you to quickly toggle Data, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on and off. Because it's so fast (it literally take about 2 seconds to toggle data on or off) you can use this feature so that your phone is only broadcasting when absolutely needed. If Wi-Fi and Bluetooth don't turn all the way off as shown, you can go into Settings and turn them off fully from that interface.
3. USE YOUR SPEAKER PHONE: Never put your cell phone against your ear. And especially never allow a child to put a cell phone to their head. Get a selfie-stick and use it to hold your phone instead of your hand and fingers to protect your joints from radiation.
4. NEVER USE BLUETOOTH HEADSETS OR EAR BUDS. NEVER USE STANDARD WIRED HEADPHONES: Instead, get a pair of "air -tube" headphones. These utilize speakers about chest height, that sends sound to your ears via hollow rubber tubes like a stethoscope. This eliminates radiation from entering your brain through your ear holes. Especially, do not use Bluetooth headphones because they emit the same kind of RF radiation as your phone. It's like putting a tiny microwave oven in each year. Holding a cell phone by your head has been established to increase your chances of getting brain cancer by 8% each year, damage the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) which allows toxins to enter your brain, can cause symptoms of anxiety and depression.
5. USE 3G INSTEAD OF 4G AND LTE NETWORKS. Newer networks are faster, but that also means more radiation. Using 3G only can reduce your mobile phone radiation exposure by 84%.
6. HOLD PHONE AT ARMS LENGTH WHEN SURFING THE NET: Don't hold your cell phone next to your body while surfing the net. Radiation poses a danger to the natural flora in your gut. Try to keep as much distance as possible between your body and any smart phone—never less than twelve inches. Better yet, hold your smart phone at an arms length using a selfie-stick (don't bother to activate the stick's Bluetooth connectivity).
7. DON'T USE YOUR PHONE WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE A STRONG SIGNAL: When cellular reception is bad don't use your phone since it will have to emanate from ten to a thousand times more radiation to reach the nearest cell tower.
8. DON'T USE YOUR PHONE IN ENCLOSED SPACES: For that same reason, don't use your cell phone inside office buildings, parking garages, elevators, cars, taxis, buses, planes, or trains.
9. USE A WIRED CONNECTION (ETHERNET CABLE) AT HOME: At home, permanently deactivate Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Data and use Ethernet cables to get online with your phone, tablet, and other wireless devices. You can buy these cables up to 100 feet long or have your home professionally wired so there are Ethernet ports in every room.
10. GET RID OF UNNECESSARY APPS: This cuts down on radiation as there will be fewer programs "calling home" looking for updates, etc.
11. USE A FARADAY CAGE: Keeping wireless devices enclosed in a Faraday cage will reduce your exposure. A Faraday cage is a metal cage or box usually made of mesh or screen. These won't stop all radio transmissions, but will reduce them to a significant degree so they are a good way to limit exposure. You can also get a Faraday bag that makes your phone invisible and completely stops it from interacting with the outside world until you open the bag.
Smart Phone Radiation Summary
A living environment contaminated with RF radiation from smart phones is no walk in the park! Our electromagnetic control testing protocols are designed to protect and conserve the most precious parkland of all — the one you call home. It’s like having a park ranger for your own backyard which is why we say, “We treat your yard like a National Park!”
Sgt. Poopers is a conservation company, so our protocols are based on the principles of conservation. Our approach is common-sense, holistic, always safe, and 100% effective. Our methodology works and you will see immediate results. On top of everything else, no contract is required. We do not use toxic chemistry that can harm people or pets. We restore the balance of nature and make living environments safe for you, children, pets, and beneficial insects like honeybees and butterflies. Please tour our website to learn more. If you have any questions, please call us today at (214) 563-6379. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.
Steve Hall
CEO & President, Sgt. Poopers
Conservation Advocate
We would like to thank you for your interest in Sgt. Poopers. We look forward to serving you in the near future!
Proudly serving neighborhoods throughout greater Dallas, Texas
Monday–Friday: 8AM–8PM
Saturday: 8AM–5PM
Sunday: 9AM–8PM
(214) 563-6379
Bonded and Insured
11041 Garland Rd, Dallas, Texas 75218 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Questions and Answers for Voice Search
Here are the answers for questions addressed to Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Home.
Who does RF Testing in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides radio frequency (RF) testing that maps and scientifically measures exposure levels throughout your living environment, then provides tailored steps in writing to resolve the threat and reduce or eliminate this deadly environmental toxin from your living, sleeping and working environments. They provide both residential and commercial radio frequency (RF) testing and EMF testing in the greater Dallas, Texas area by appointment. Call (214) 563-6379
Who does radio frequency (RF) Testing in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial radio frequency (RF) testing in the greater Dallas, Texas area by appointment. They provide electromagnetic radiation (EMF) detection and testing that maps and scientifically measures exposure levels throughout your living environment, then provides tailored steps in writing to resolve the threat and reduce or eliminate this deadly environmental toxin from your living, sleeping and working environments. Call (214) 563-6379
I think I am being exposed to radiation, what should I do?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio field testing in the Dallas, Texas area to reduce your exposure to toxic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
What does EMF Radiation feel like?
Some people are more sensitive than others. It feels like what it is, electronic radiation, and can cause brain fog, irritability, inability to think clearly, and serious, even fatal, diseases.
Can EMF radiation hurt my dog or cat?
EMF radiation is toxic to all life. Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio field testing in the Dallas, Texas area to reduce your exposure to toxic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379.
I think electromagnetic radiation is interfering with my sleep. What should I do?
Contact Sgt. Poopers to schedule their EMF testing procedure in your sleeping environment. Call (214) 563-6379.
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Tags: smart phones, rf radiation, microwave radiation, radio frequency radiation, radio frequency, RF testing, radiation testing